24 December 2008

Everyone Run, The Scarecrow's Gotta Gun!

Scarecrows Gotta Gun

01 December 2008

NWSA Journal--Revolting Bodies: The Monster Beauty of Tattooed Women

NWSA Journal--Revolting Bodies: The Monster Beauty of Tattooed Women

ENGL 301 Psychological Novel--Tattooed Souls and Damaged Psyches in World Cinema and Literature =

ENGL 301 Psychological Novel--Tattooed Souls and Damaged Psyches in World Cinema and Literature =

In the Labyrinth: The Literary Tattoo

In the Labyrinth: The Literary Tattoo

AbeBooks: Authors with Tattoos

Authors with Tattoos

17 June 2008

The dreaded summer reading list

The dreaded summer reading list: "Many high schools students — and their parents — are wringing their
hands these days over that yet-to-be-finished required reading. But
perhaps these lists are, well, boring. We English teachers, in the face
of stiff competition from iPods, Facebook and video games, need to be
more open-minded as we seek to pry open young minds."

12 June 2008

WikiAnswers - How do you block cell phone numbers

How do you block annoying callers on your cell phone?

CLICK HERE to find out

21 April 2008

Mego Batman Superheroes Commercial Batcave

NO PARTICULAR REASON for posting this. Just because I like(d) it.

11 March 2008

US Baptist group urges action on global warming

US Baptist group urges action on global warming: "Prominent members of the Southern Baptist Convention said that
the church, the largest US Protestant denomination, has been too
timid to speak out against global warming and must start taking
strong stands.

The statement marks a significant shift in the way one of the
country's most conservative churches regards climate change."

25 January 2008

The Definition of a Narrative? « Narrative Expression in the Digital Age

The Definition of a Narrative? « Narrative Expression in the Digital Age: "“narrative[na-ra-tiv], a telling of some true or fictitious event or connected sequence of events, recounted by a narrator … consist[s of] a set of events (the story) recounted in a process of narration (or discourse), in which the events are selected and arranged in a particular order (the plot).”"

18 January 2008

Read Comic Books to Improve Your Reading Skills

Readable Blog: for English learners (EFL/ESL) » Blog Archive » Read Comic Books to Improve Your Reading Skills: "Wowio’s Comic Books and Graphic Novels section has quite a few legal, free comic books and graphic novels. You’ll have to register to use Wowio, and they require you to prove your identity using a photo ID, credit card, or “non-anonymous” e-mail address (such as a school e-mail address). I haven’t used this site, so I hope that if you try it, you’ll let me know what you think."

11 January 2008

Learning to Teach Tech-Comm: Eleven Things You Could Start Doing Today for the Benefit of Your Students' Writing

Learning to Teach Tech-Comm: Eleven Things You Could Start Doing Today for the Benefit of Your Students' Writing: "Eleven Things You Could Start Doing Today for the Benefit of Your Students' Writing' to the WPA listserv. I wanted to comment on it, but this is the first time I've had the chance because of the conference, as well as just keeping up in general. I'm not going to reproduce the e-mail comments under each item, but instead reproduce the items with my own thoughts."

05 January 2008

01 January 2008

Wordsmiths, avoid these words.. | Oddly Enough | Reuters

Wordsmiths, avoid these words.. | Oddly Enough | Reuters: "Such phrases as 'post 9/11' and 'surge' have also outlived their usefulness, they said. Surge emerged in reference to adding U.S. troops in Iraq but has come to explain the expansion of anything. Continued..."